Call of duty cold war zombies ps4
Call of duty cold war zombies ps4

call of duty cold war zombies ps4

This allows you to toggle the upgrade on and off. Note: You can return to the altar at any time to undo the ritual pact, allowing you to remove the permanent weapon upgrade. There are also a total of 12 emblems that are awarded, a Dark Ops calling card, and a legendary watch that counts your headshots. The highest upgrade seems to be epic (purple) rarity, but your weapon upgrade will be a lower rarity if you haven't completed all the quests. Your starting weapon will have an upgraded rarity for all future Zombies matches, but the rarity will depend on how many quests you've completed. Once you interact with the altar, you will receive a permanent weapon upgrade. Potential Rewards Dark Deeds watch reward (Image credit: MrDalekJD) Again, your rewards will depend on how many main quests you have completed. There's an altar here that you can interact with to unlock the rewards you've earned. You'll need to head to the Foothills area in the Northeast section of Zoo, where you'll find a ritual site that has been added to the map.

call of duty cold war zombies ps4

The map rotation for each round of Outbreak is random, so you'll want to keep playing until you get to the Zoo region. In order to find the secret place to claim your new rewards, you'll need to play Zombies' Outbreak mode. Where to find the secret location Zoo ritual site (Image credit: MrDalekJD on YouTube) However, the number of rewards you earn will depend on how many of the main storyline quests you've completed within Black Ops Cold War's Zombies. Here is everything you need to know to claim these new rewards.Īs previously announced by Treyarch, the April 25 update adds a new secret location in Zombies mode, where you can go to claim more rewards. This new update adds changes to Zombies Outbreak mode and adds "Super Easter egg" rewards. More Year 2 content has arrived in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, which comes just ahead of Call of Duty Season 3 for Vanguard and Warzone.

Call of duty cold war zombies ps4