Diablo 3 vyr set dungeon location
Diablo 3 vyr set dungeon location

For objectives that require multiple foes to be hit / killed in a specific way at once, items and skills with pulling in trait are often useful.Nearly every dungeon is a large map, therefore relocation skills are mandatory, preferably with items and skill runes that make them recharge faster and/or last longer.Area of effect damage skills are mandatory due to the sheer number of foes opposing heroes and limited time.In that case, reducing damage output by changing skills and equipment may be required. Some objectives require the monsters to be killed slowly, without triggering their premature death.However, for time sake, one should aim for higher damage output (with some exceptions). Monster Life and damage is significantly lower than on Torment X, therefore even an average gear can be used to successfully clear a Set Dungeon.Monsters' positions, most of the time, are not static, and may slightly change from time to time.It is safe to develop a movement pattern. However, after multiple runs, potentially empty areas will most likely be known. Carefully checking the corners is advised to avoid returning to previously explored areas in search for last remaining foes.All monsters, including hidden ones, are highlighted on the map and marked as quest targets.Fatal damage only fails the dungeon if all life-saver effects are exhausted.Hits taken by pets do not fail the dungeon.Objectives that require not being hit by attacks or Crowd Control effects are not failed if the character is immune to them, permanently or temporarily, at the moment of taking the hit.Some objectives can be completely trivialized, or made significantly easier, by equipping certain synergestic items or skills.Diablo 3 2.4.1 All Set Dungeon Mastery Rewards (Updated every Patches)-0

Diablo 3 vyr set dungeon location